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What should I expect from Platinum Physical Therapy Services that’s different from other physical therapy clinics?

Platinum Physical Therapy Services’ philosophy incorporates hands-on, manual therapy combined with evidence-based, individualized exercise programming. Healing and personal well-being is a partnership between the patient and the provider. Boyd and his team are represented by success by their patient outcomes.

How does payment work?

PLATINUM PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES understands the limitations that insurance companies place on the amount of physical therapy care. In addition PLATINUM PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES participates with many insurance plans. We’d be happy to verify your benefits and communicate your options.  Also, we welcome the opportunity to  create a transparent fee-for-service plan for any physical therapy benefits not covered by your insurance.

I’m avoiding public places during COVID-19. Can you come to my home?

Yes, absolutely.  PLATINUM PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES specializes in treating patients in the home. Because any person over the age of 60 is considered an at-risk population, we are happy to work with all Medicare beneficiaries to ensure that they receive any our services in the safe environment of their home

I’ve been discharged from home care physical therapy. How does in-home therapy work now?

Upon discharge from homecare therapy, your doctor may give you the option to continue physical therapy in an outpatient setting.  This requires travel, scheduling, and interacting with other patients.  To eliminate those hassles, simply reach out to us to understand what is needed to bring Boyd and his team to you.

How far will Platinum Physical Therapy Services travel to see me?

We can be available for in home physical therapy, in-home personal training and massage service throughout Long Island (Nassau County and Suffolk County) and into Queens.

Can you provide sports training to groups of kids?

With sports on hold and socially distancing happening in most gyms and fitness facilities, it’s important for athletes of all ages to maintain their athleticism.  PLATINUM PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES can help them maintain, and make gains, during this down time.  Our team consists of certified strength and conditioning specialists who incorporate injury reducing techniques into their programs.  Whether its soccer, hockey, baseball, football, golf or pickleball, we can customize a fitness program that fits your yard or living room.  Get in touch with us to start today.

Do you have aquatic or pool therapy?

Aquatic therapy, or pool therapy, has become popular due to its low-intensity, weightlessness effects.  However, rehabilitation and sports training can be done at a high-level with excellent gains.  While none of PLATINUM PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES offices currently has a pool available, we can incorporate aquatic therapy in a patient’s in-home rehabilitation program should they have one.