Return to Sport

basketball team stacking hands together

Proper clearance for a return to activity or sports should be progressive.  Having rehabbed athletes from the NFL (a two-time Comeback Player of the Year – 2006 & 2008), Major League Baseball, NHL, NBA, Olympic Champions and countless college and high school athletes from Long Island and the entire Metro area, Boyd and his team are your key resource to getting you back in the game.  Each program consists of functional, sport-specific exercises and drills that emphasize:

  • Dynamic Mobility and Stability
  • Running/Sprint Mechanics
  • Agility & Change of Direction
  • Multiplanar Movement Patterns
  • Kinematic Sequencing for Throwers and Overhead Athletes

The Platinum Physical Therapy Services team understands that the return to sports is a collaborative effort.  The team prides itself on consistent and direct communication with the surgeon, doctor, certified athletic trainer, and/or sport coach.

Don’t allow insurance to dictate your comeback.  Control your own legend, start with us.